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الكلمات الدلالية
course pathways stakeholder training management

Course : Stakeholder Management"

We are pleased and honored to nominate your distinguished employees Course : Stakeholder Management"

Stakeholders are all those individuals and team members involved in helping the organisation to achieve its objectives. Stakeholders must be engaged, identify their goals, their expectations to be understood. All stakeholders must be recognized and treated equitably, as part of good governance.
Stakeholder management involves both hard and soft skills, with some understanding of human nature, culture, and communications
Code:- MT-822
Language:- English
City:- Muscat (Oman)
Hotel:- Hotel Meeting Room
One week 25Hour
2024-12-29 2025-01-02
To Communicate:- 
Email:- asmaa@pathwaysq8.com 
WhatsApp:- https://wa.me/201033289151
Training consultant:- Asmaa Saber
Pathways Training Center

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