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الكلمات الدلالية
additional legal if questions what should after i the have do consultation?

What should I do if I have additional questions after the legal consultation?

If you have additional questions after your legal consultation, here are some steps you can take:
  1. Contact your attorney directly: This is the most straightforward way to get answers to your questions. Your attorney should be available to answer your questions and provide additional information.
  2. Review your consultation notes: Look over the notes you took during the legal consultation. This may help you identify any questions you may have forgotten to ask.
  3. Schedule a follow-up consultation: If your questions are complex or require additional discussion, you may want to schedule a follow-up consultation with your attorney.
It's important to communicate your questions and concerns openly and honestly with your attorney. They are there to help you and should be willing to answer your questions to the best of their ability.

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