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الكلمات الدلالية
hurghada scuba

Scuba Hurghada

Scuba Hurghada.
Scuba diving in Hurghada is a popular activity due to the clear waters abundant marine life and variety of dive sites. There are several dive centers in Hurghada that offer courses and guided dives for beginners and experienced divers alike.

One of the most popular dive sites in Hurghada is the Giftun Islands which offers a variety of dive spots that range from shallow reefs to deeper wrecks. Other popular dive sites include Abu Nuhas which is known for Its shipwrecks and the El Fanadir reef which is home to a variety of colorful fish.

Hurghada also offers some unique diving experiences such as night diving and cave diving. Night diving allows divers to see the nocturnal marine life that comes out after dark while cave diving allows divers to explore underwater caves and tunnels.

Overall scuba diving in Hurghada is a great way to experience the beauty of the Red Sea and its marine life.


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