آخر المواضيع :   Itasca Xsite 3.0.15  [ikuu00]    Itasca Griddle v2.00.12  [ikuu00]    Synopsys SLM High Speed Access & Test (TestMAX...  [Drogram]    Interactive Petrophysics IP 2024 v6.1  [ikuu00]    Inpho Photogrammetry v14 Win64  [ikuu00]    COSMOthermX 22+ TmoleX 2024x64  [Drogram]    IHS Questor 2023 Q1  [ikuu00]    Synopsys PrimeSim Custom Fault - Legacy 2024.0...  [Drogram]    IHS Kingdom Suite SMT v2024  [ikuu00]    تنظيف فلل جديدة بأحد رفيدة  [سيمون] 

تقييم الموضوع :
  • 0 أصوات - بمعدل 0
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الكلمات الدلالية
course analysis workforce planning and strategies for

Course: Workforce planning and strategies for analysis

كود :
The general objective of the Training 
Providing participants with scientific and practical methods in analysing, describing and evaluating jobs and developing their skills in diagnosing and evaluating practical problems Related to analyzing, describing, arranging and evaluating jobs.
Target participants of the training program Directors,
department heads, and specialists in the departments of administrative affairs, organization, and training, and candidates for such positions.
Code:- 310
City: Jeddah
Hotel:- Hotel hall
Start: 09/01/2024
End:- 09-05-2024
Training Consultant: Asmaa Saber
To contact:-
E-mail: asmaa@pathwaysq8.com 
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/201033289151

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
الموضوع : / الكاتب الردود : المشاهدات : آخر رد

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 1 ) ضيف كريم