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to ways carpet of stains get rid

Ways to get rid of carpet stains

Ways to get rid of carpet stains

Carpet cleaning is one of the troublesome matters that plague every housewife, as she consumes great time and effort to search for effective solutions to clean carpets and get rid of stains attached to it. شركة تنظيف

Carpets are a good environment for dirt, stains, bacteria and germs that may harm the health of family members if not cleaned regularly and properly. شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض
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Abouthome offers ways to clean carpets well without the need to resort to ironing shops, cleaners, or vacuum cleaners.
1- White vinegar
You can remove carpet stains with white vinegar and the iron, so put white vinegar on the part to be cleaned, then put a cotton towel on the part that is wet with vinegar and pass the iron over it to get rid of the stains in an easy, simple and inexpensive way. شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض
2- Baking soda and lavender
If you want to give the carpet a wonderful refreshment, you can mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 10 drops of lavender or orange oil, then put the mixture in a glass spray, then shake well and spray it on the carpet to add a wonderful refreshing and smart to the carpet.
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3- Carpet deep cleaner https://www.bfirstseo.com
Especially since carpet cleaning products may contain harmful chemicals that harm the respiratory system in addition to that, they dry hands, so make a deep and effective carpet cleaner, using .. شركة غسيل سجاد بالمدينة المنورة
A quarter cup of hydrogen peroxide.
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المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
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10-28-2022, 04:14 AM
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10-28-2022, 04:00 AM

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